Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Kit Kittredge

Margaret Mildred Kittredge or usually called Kit Kittredge. She’s an American girl. She’s an ambitious one. She wanna be a reporter. She loves and spends almost her time to write articles by her old typewriter on the tree house in front of her house. Although her first article has refused by Mr. Gibson Peabody as a newspaper’s editor of ‘The Cincinnati Register’ to be published nor her next articles neither, she never gives up and tries to write and write continuously.

Kit’s father, Jack Kittredge works in his car dealership. Her mother, Margaret Kittredge is a kind housewife. And Grace is a good girl dog which brought to home from pathway. Kit’s family live happily until the bank takes his father car dealership and her car too. All things will be exchanging. Her father decides to go to Chicago to finding job. For a while, her house receives some boarder to get some money and save the family’s home. They have to adapt with strangers people. They’re Miss May Dooley (dance instructor), Miss Lucinda Bond (mobile librarian), Mr. Jefferson Berk (a magician), Mrs. Howard and her son, Stirling Howard. Then, Kit meet Will and Countee, a pair of young hobos who will work for meals.

Sometimes, it seems difficult to survive without father beside them but Kit and her mother try to keep their life go on. It’s better than live together with uncle Hendrick. So, they do not only plant the vegetables, but also sell the eggs which sent by Aunt Millie continously. At first, Kit minds to do that. She feels shy as like as her friend and neighbour too, Franches and her young sister (florence) who must sell eggs before lost their home. She thinks that selling eggs will bring them to the poorness. But then she remembers that she can let the problem beat her. So, she never gives up and just goes with the flow.

Kit thinks, it will be interesting to investigate the hobo’s life. So, she asks Will and Countee who live in a hobo jungle near the  river and railway to bring her to their environment. Her friends, Stirling and Ruthie join with her too. Will tell them about his life and how he can be gether with Countee since they have met in Oklahama, fourteen months before, and tell them what every hobo’s symbols are mean too. When they arrive in hobo jungle, they are amazing. They are told that all those people who live there was a succes men and had a happy rich family. And now, they live together. All for one, and one for all. They divide all what they have to others.

One day, when the Smithens, Ruthie’s family have a vacation trip to Myrtle Beach for ten days, their house is almost robbed if no one knows and stops him. An eyewitness thinks that the thief is a hobo and has a tattoo on his right arm. The sheriff finds evidences, such as a pair print of shoes that given by Mrs. Kittredge to Will and the big suspecticion as the thief is Will Shepherd, who worked in Kit’s house with Countee, his friend. Because of his dissapearing, it makes the thief accusacion to Will become true and stronger. But, Kit do not believe it and try to resolve the mystery.

Mr. Berk’s brother joins to live with them. His name is Frederich Berk and his monkey’s is Curtis. Berk brothers strange attitude arouse Kit’s suspicion. When the brothers go out to somewhere, Kit and Ruthie enter to their room to get something as evidences and Stirling stay on the treehouse to giving warning to them when the brothers come. Kit finds the money and jewelry which saved by her mom into the box before. But she can’t find the box there till the brothers enter to the room. Fortunately, they have found Stirling’s warning in hobo’s symbol. So, they are still in savety. Kit asks Ruthie to call the sheriff and tell what has happened. Then, She hides behind of car seat to follow where the brothers go.

Miss Bond is told by Ruthie that the thief will be finding and Kit have followed them. Soon, Miss Bond, Ruthie, and Stirling follow them. Frederich digs the ground where he hid the stolen money. He tries to dig up many times but he doesn’t find it yet. Miss Bond comes near to Berk brothers alone and tell to them that their job has known. Kit suspects Miss Bond as one of them. Then, she plans something with her two friends to disturb their work. Kit changes the direction of hobo’s symbol which only can be read by hobos. Although the brothers and Miss Bond lost the children trails they have found in one of hobo’s tent in environment. All hobos help the children and hand the brothers and Miss Bond over to the sheriff. It reminds Will to ‘Robin Hood story’ who steal from the rich to give to the poor. But they aren’t. They have stolen from the rich and the poor and keep it for themselves. 

After that day, Kit, her mother, and all people who live in that house fell better except Mr. Berk and gether to celebrate thanksgiving’s day with uncle Hendrick. The hobos come to celebrate it with them and are allowed. But uncle Hendrick doesn’t. Kit’s happiness rises since her father comes back to their home. He decides to stay in Cincinnati ever after and find a new work. Then, Mr. Peabody comes to Kit’s house and tells that her articles has published. All people congratulate on it. Finally, Kit’s family live happily with new family.


Suggestion : You should watch it yourself. It will be more exciting. Trust me...

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